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Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Walao eh short lah

Today wen i stepped into school.
Min ron nearly fell down and his heart thumped reah hard.
And then followed by "WTF" "OMG" "WHY LIKE THAT."
I like lol.

Today my replies were "prison break."
Tomorrow its "too much maggie mee".

Then during PE measure height and weight.
The measuring tape sure got probelm de.
Cannot be i shrink.
From 168 to 167.5
Weight still same since dec. Bo change.

CCA got orientation then must prepare.
Wah alot of thing lah.
Actually not.
ONLY design posters.
IN one night.
Yeah that's all.

What's up if i chose to cut my hair myself.
All these assholes think i tio caught by haircheck then they cut for me like that.
Including _ lim.

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