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Monday, January 29, 2007

Super Duper Uber

Sorry for not posting for the last few days. Caught up with a bunch of things.
I don't know if God's been trying to talk to me over the last 2 days. I'm very confused and frustrated today.

Still got that Goal card that i've yet to plan.

Haix. I troubled not over homework. Not over relationships. Not over anything.
I think there's something seriously wrong with me. ARGH.

I'm thinking 'cos common tests next week.

Chem die.
Physics die if no time.
Maths die cos of coord geomeotry.
English ok maybe won't die.
Chinese die if no time also.
History bo confidence.
S.S. Don't even need to say. No practice at all.
Geog. I think can make it lah.
P.E. sure can make it.
Only NAPFA. Cannot Pull-up. Yet.

Oh and hair growing back le. I think i'll tio caught for haircheck on week 7. Not for fringe, but for sides and back. Lol.
Best is never tio caught. I got plan to skip all hairchecks till june.
But i haven't thought how i wanted my hair to look like yet.

Sec 3 life has just started for me.
Wa lieu that blows.

Song of the day: Its Not Over - Daughtry.

Here's something i picked up with thanks to rolland :D
"If pictures speak a thousand words, music paints a thousand pictures."

How true is that? You decide.

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