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Thursday, August 26, 2010

Sometimes I thank God for the simple fact that He's always around.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Can/Can't I say more?

When I speak, I hurt.
When I don't, I lie.

Perhaps I should be a Mute
I had nothing to hide, nothing to gain.
All I received, was a chest full of pain.
So wrong was this right,
That I gave up the fight.
Neither black nor its white,
It created fists so tight.
Who is to blame? For this forsaken state.
Lost without reason, dizzy with confusion.
A somber night. The Moon so bold.
The only light in the night,
Lighting up only a portion
of the darkness in my heart.
I was wrong, the only one to blame.
Hanging on the wall, forever my shame.
Perhaps it was better, if I was just a mute.


"The skillful use of knowledge and understanding for successful living." - A.R. Bernard

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Poly or JC?

Worth a read, especially for the dear ones taking your O's this year:

If you're reading this and you are on the verge of a similar dilemma, you can always consult yours truly. After all, none of the bloggers, i would assume, on the website has the dual experience of being in both a local junior college and polytechnic.

In any case, to all O levelers: Do your best, and God will do the rest. ;)

Thursday, August 12, 2010


How do you talk to somebody who doesn't want to?


Friday, August 6, 2010

If Only Wishes Could be made of Airplanes

The irony of education is that it takes your youth(almost) in exchange for what? Grades.
And in our sunny little island, grades literally mean money.
Your salary is dependent on your grades.
Yet you spend almost 35k(poly figures) at least for education and you have to slave for another 3-5 years till you've gotten enough money for marriage.

Seeing how one of facebook friend's status reads: "my mum on seeing me so rushed and stress over my essay told me to quit school if i can't handle it -_- i scolded her right away, asking her how can she ask me to give up, shouldn't she encourage me to complete it?? her response, save money what then you go find someone marry -_-"

Perhaps if education finished at 14 and we could all start working by 15, it would an ideal that I look forward to.
Then, people like GJT could really be a young mommy!

Fact of the matter is, what is necessary and what is not?
Is it wrong to specialize at an early age?
When kids were as young as 4, adults used to ask this favorite question of theirs: "What do you want to be when you grow up?"

Yet, 20 years down the road, these kids have deviated far from what their initial ambitions were. They dwell deeper and deeper into a downward spiral of consumerism and get unknowingly caught up in the rat race.

Or perhaps, is it that the children of our generation that have lost their ambitions?
Their hopes, their dreams, their sense, identity and faith in who they wanted to become?
Ask one in Singapore the 'what-do-they-want-to-be-when-they-grow-up' question and what is the common response you get? "IDK."

Or maybe, it is the grown-ups that have ignored the dreams of their kids and placed them in a cave to show them that such is the only way or perception of who you should be when you grow up.
"Mommy, I want to be a painter when I grow up!"
"No dearie, you should try to be a banker, a lawyer or doctor! Then you'll earn a lot of money like that."
Yes, love, care and concern is evident, but its so protective that it becomes a barrier, constricting the creative space needed to flourish.
The seed kept in the dark, will never grow.

Thursday, August 5, 2010


Entertainingly thoughtful session after Medsoc tutorial today, although almost everybody was like half-dead from waking up early/brushing up unfinished business for MarComm presentation.

Now i can't enjoy TV or movies anymore.

But that's ok, just like the Socrates cave example provided by Ms Sonia, we're no longer in it.

Now I understand why "There is more to that than what TV actually shows you."

Thank God I stopped watching the telly around sec 2.


Its little things like having your gf pay your cab-fare home and a taxi uncle that lets you pay netts and cash so that you can get home safe and sound at 1230am.

Thank You Daddy God<3