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Friday, December 15, 2006


Ok braces hurt alot.

When i bite, it hurts.

When i chew, it hurts.

When my insicors hit something, it hurts.

But peck hui says its the price of being vain.
Ok maybe not vain but having perfect teeth.


Going sentosa today.

Better catch some rest. If not i might become too lethargic.

Cya all.

Short disappointing entry today.

Sentosa was fun. Real fun.
Hmm played lotsa icebreakers games.
Well actually 2 only.

Then build a sand castle.
Its dam hard ok.

Cos we had to build one that was suppose to be dam big and people can step in.

Ya so abit hard lah.
But quite fun.
Like when we last min chiong is like dam funny lah.

But we won still. YEAH.


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