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Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Broadcast Journalism 2


Today wrapped up the final part of the course. Today we were scheduled to do a complete news bulletin.
We had 4 main topics to do and each event would be covered by a team of 3.
Here goes:

- *SCAPE Youth Park
- School of the Arts
- Re-opening of the National Musuem
- Stalker in Bishan

Ok the last topic was somehow last minute and Marc thought it would be rather interesting haha.

The teams tackling each topic, in order respectively:

- Henry(r), Jerold (H.P.'s sick awww)
- Shao Ren, Ervin and yours truly(r)
- Yu Hung(r), Shan Wei, Darren
- Jit Hin(r), John, Cepheus

And so (r) stands for reporters. Haha.
Shao's producer and Ceph's director.
Jerold and John make superb anchors.(The newcasters that read eg. Cheryl Fox)

We had to cover the events, take shots AND eat lunch in 3 hours, then come back and edit everything, do voiceovers and have everything ready for broadcast by 5pm.

We started discussion at 11.30am.


My group decided to follow Henry's group 'cos we could share interviewees and thought it was a good idea.
Unfortunately, the skate park was almost totally empty.

So while Henry's group started on their work already. We were lost without interviewees.
So we decided to head on down to Cineleisure.

It was 12 when we got to Cineleisure.

Decided that it was a mistake 'cos it was nowhere near SOTA and no one would know anything.
Headed down to City Hall as we thought SOTA would be there cos we checked the map in the .mac lab previously.

Luck was not on our side again.
It was dam funny when we were like "oh shit. This fcuking sucks."

Almost 1pm. With no footages.

So guess what we did next?

Eating at Burger King in Raffles City. Yes.

Headed quickly to Dhouby Gaut then ervin and me were kind of half shocked when we saw how far the site was on a locality map in the mrt station.
Shao said it wouldn't be too far.

In fact it wasn't.
It was beside The Cathay.

Finally started work.

I think i make a bad reporter. My eyes keep darting all over the place and i sound rather monotonious.

Oh well, managed to wrap all the footages under half an hour which "kicked-ass" as Shao would say.

And some really unexpected and funny things happened along the way.

Reached school by 2.20pm.
We're good journalists. Terrific indeed.

Mac lab.

*Shao,Ervin and I enter the mac lab*

Shao: "Are we early or what?"

*Everyone stares in silence and john helpfully informs us that we're the last group.*

Then edited the tapes and i did a voice over for some transition parts.
The whole bulletin was then put together by Mr Wang and Marc.

I'd say the whole thing looked rather professional.
No really, it was professional.

Overall its really a nice experience.

Yes journalism broadcasting is really a big thing and now i really think those people at the news station everyday providing the public with news are really great people.

Applause please.

Kudos to all news crew, reporters, newscasters, studio crew, technical and media crew.

Thanks so much for keeping us informed.

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