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Sunday, November 19, 2006

Relationship With God. It can only grow fonder.


Well i think i received salvation today, have to double check with sam.

Anyway i don't know if i'll be the first to hold a double religion. But as Pastor Kong said, "Christanity is not a religion, its a relationship with God."

Well that's good in a way.

On other hands, i feeling that some values of buddhism and conflicting with christ.

An example is karma. Simply put, buddhism revolves around karma, christ doesn't. A dilema? Perharps.

Anyway today was a fun day.

B1: I know what you're thinking B2.

B2: Yes i think what i know you're thinking B1.


Had this event called "Wild Goose Chase" at vivo today.

Suppose to like go around vivo then answer the questions on the paper and the questions were related to vivo, mainly shops.

I take back what i said about vivo being small. We didn't explore the cornes THEN haha. Teamed up with Caleb and Celine. The two C's 0.o

Had a really fun experience. They're nice people. Caleb's real funny. When we were passing this shop called In:Trend or smthn like that. Then Celine can't resist the temptation to go in and look/shop awhile haha. Then Caleb and me were standing outside waiting then he said, "We must stare at her like this, *STARE* till she come out."

And the funny part was, it did work.

SuperDog's really expensive by the way. $3.20 for the cheapest dog without fries or drinks?


And Nathan didn't finish his bun 'cos he said he didn't like the pickles in them. I think Darryn follow suit haha. Always finding a chance to waste food arh Darryn.

Then Rolland went to eat Nathan's leftover bun, which according to Celine, Caleb and Nathan, "looked dam sick."

Supposedly, there was also a "Do & Don'ts while eating hot dogs" on the tray and i recall on of them being:

"DO eat whatever is left of your bun and lick all reminiscence from your fingers and not wash them at a sink."


Then when we were taking the MRT, north east line, i noticed this fine poster on the wall.
Should have taken a picture on it HAHA. WAS LIKE ERRR OK, You can't bring durians into an MET, but there's no fine for it HAHAHA.

Then Rolland was "Everyone bring 1 durian in ji2 she-aio them. LOL?

More random AND unbelievable thing was, Nathan thought of at least 30% of the answers to the questions while on the train. The best thing was about superdog when this question asked, "What does superman like to eat?"

While walking towards Outram Park's NorthWest line Celine was like "Ya superdog" Or something like that.
Then Nathan lighted up. "SUPERDOG!! THAT'S what superman eats."

Then we all like "ya hor."


Wth man haha.

Service was REALLY GOOD today.

I can't remember what pastor preached about today. ARRRGGGHHH.
I'm not supposed to forget the Holy Word too. ARGH.

OH I just remembered(at point of typing) something about stepping up. YES.
About these lepyrs and they stepped up when they heard Jesus was near. So they tried to look for him for a cure. Then Jesus told them to go meet the priests at the temple. His motive was to instill in them a sense of independence and not depend all the time on others. At least that's how i see/remembered it.


Pastor's main point today was being a mature christian and not always looking to God or Jesus to shield you, to protect you, to solve your probelms.
But to step up, be a pobelm-solver, overcome your fears, doubts and ultimately be more like Jesus himself for that is what we hope to AND will achieve in declaring our faith in the lord.

He also preached something about faith that i found meaningful.

And also this one-liner. No, in fact two, about courage:

"Courage is not the abstinece of fear, Courage is the confrontation of fear."

After service, we chionged around the food fair at expo and like Caleb was like disturbing the vendors lah.
There was this incident at this dim sum stall. Cos Nathan thought all the stuff there was as put on the poster "3 for $2"
Cos there was like gyoza on sticks and that would be dam cheap lah.

Then Caleb was like circling the whole oven with his finger then the uncle reaction dam funny, he circled the upper-half of the oven LAH then KEEP circling there saying(translated from mandrain),
"I only point this part arh, not anywhere else arh."

WHICH we FOUND amusing.


And then there's another incident at this pork mee stall.
The attendant there was talking to us in chinese about the food stuff lah then later Caleb was like "Er we don't speak chinese."

Cos the attendant had spoke like 30 secs liao then Caleb like told her straight in the face. HAHAHAHA.

She was dam Dam DAM PISSED OFF and said this, "Didn't your teacher teach you chinese?"
Something like that while helping to complete Nathan's order.

Caleb like go "No?"


So by the time we had gone round about 3/4 of the place, many of the stalls were about to close or had already stopped selling food so like 'awwwww'.
Oh well had fun. EMO face. HAHAHA.


"Insantiy is doing the same things over again and expecting a different result."

Wise words from Pastor Kong.

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