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Friday, November 17, 2006

Meeting New People

Haven't blogged in awhile.


Went out with jy,shi they all. Met some new people today. Jaden dam shuai worx. Hahahaha. Played basketball. Hardcore play for quite long.

I slipped and fell. Ouch. When we were at the court the floor was still wet 'cos it had rained earlier and i was barefoot moving towards the area with a puddle of water and Waa slipped and slided halfbody fall down.

Hurt my elbow(scratch only heng) and waistbone. Pain, at night can't sleep while pressurring my right side of the waistbone.

Today went to school to collect results.

Urrgghh. Why in 3-4, most of the people in my class got 3-3. Sad arh take pure hist. Nvm at least got dino in my class WAHAHAHAH.

Chalet's cmin up AND OH SHIT. ITS 23rd that i'm not going not 22nd. WTF. Blur ok yes i know. Going to buy food since 170 cmin back todae =)

Going airport in awhile. Heheh.

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