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Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Desire,Perfection// Today

Well i think i'm going to change skin as soon as i find a suitable one. I've thought of creating my own. But the html's are hurting my head.

_ said he might not be going for chalet.

_ said so too.

Cripes. Now that's something to worry about. I haven't had to worry about stuff in a loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong time.

Still there's planning, and we're awaiting 170 to come back from japan. Haha.

Food i don't know how.

On a more important note, guys, i cannot make it for water bomb. Someone else will be scheduled to be IC. Prefferably someone who knows how the game is played. In order words, illonus. That is if he's going. But i doubt so. So i'll leave the planning to someone else.

Sorry 'cos i'll be on duty for Grad' Nite and someone's counting on me to take photos for them. What can i say. Its my duty.

And i don't want to get into trouble with _.

If _ wants to split just get it over with. Then i can rightfully belong to iMedia.

Blog hopped and realised how blogging can be so diverse. Seriously.

And i don't think i can get back into the mood of mapling. Haha. Unless _'s playing. There's hardly anyone online except for goubuli jie. She dosen't talk much either =.=ll

Arrgh. So many things. SO MUCH time. Haha you don't see that everyday.

Signing off. Waharaha.

Song of the day: Understanding Men And Women by Cool

Kpop rox okay. I'm being converted slowly hahahah.

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