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Sunday, November 5, 2006

Random Thoughts and Today

Hmm the wax i bought can't keep my hair up. OMGOSH THAT SUCKS.

Looking for work. Yeah.

Maybe i should go more leniently on the people i tease when i go out. I thought i've been rather overboard sometimes but just don't realise it. Walao. I SUCK. ZZZ.

Hmm today, mainly stay at home game. I thrashed AI without wearing my specs when i just woke up this morning. LOL.
Helped ber edit pics. Walao say cannot see diff. I dam bek qek spent like half an hour editing then tell me no diff.
Created a ninja in RO. Also learnt how to use auto counter for knight.

Yep boring day with no thoughts.

Song of the Day: Digital Soul by Audition

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