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Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Somehow, i've been visiting survey monkey too much the last 2 days.
Max's birthday on sunday night was really a blast haha!
Especially with the straw blowing, ice cream smashing madness.
What other rants i've got?
Why is MapleViaOnline always so unstable?
Haha i guess i will just wait till it stabilizes and everything.
Oh and i want my own atm account soon.
Or netts will be fine, whichever will help me pay for that occasional midnight cab fare home.
And this week i'll be keeping this thought in mind: "Life is 10% what happens and 90% how we react."
That's because our CT's are slowly, but surely being returned to us, haha.

Well i gotta pray soon.
Saturday, another step of faith.

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