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Sunday, August 5, 2007

Some cool stuff to find out morea bout yourself, well if you really need it that is.
Here goes!

So i tried it and here's the list for my personality. I wonder if it could be identified by you? Haha

You are Blue Tiger, whose ways of talking is very noble and have a rock-steady stance.
This may make other people feel you are a difficult person to get to know.
But you can make peaceful personal relationships with anyone, and are a person of good balance.
You associate people with broad mind.
But at the same time, you are making your own judgment on personal criticism.
You are very diplomatic person.
You don't notice nicety in people, and tend to reason personal relationships with theory.
You don't fear having relationships with others, and can have relationship with anyone.
You are a very popular person.
But you sometimes worry about whether a person you are going out with is really in love with you.
You can plan things with extreme preciseness, and can act as planned by looking ahead of the times.
Though, you sometimes feel you want to be more adventurous.
You think positively on everything.
You don't get things down on you.
And even if you do get down, you can recover from that situation fast.
You are very fair.
You can be an ideal boss.
You would be endeared by those who are strong-minded.

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