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Monday, July 2, 2007

Suddenly i find life very much like a hurricane.
Plucking you off your roots and then you revolve round and round waiting to be released only to find yourself right in the middle of nowhere.

One miserable misguided soul plunged into a sea of uncertainty.

Is material gains and social status what we're really after all our lives?

Even so, no one will still then be contented.

So anyway went to Darryn house to do the passion portfolio video.
Haha had fun.
Played pool too.
And abit of maple. Now 50%.

Learning guitar.
Its much harder than drums.
Drums in school, guitar at home.
Hot liao.

CHMA round the corner.
This sat.
Wah lieu programme sheet not done lol.

Song of the Day: Mighty To Save - Hillsong

My blogskin! haha.

Best of Luck to all who're taking O level Orals tomorrow.
God Bless (:

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