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Sunday, December 26, 2010

All I Want For Christmas is the Trinity

Not Mariah Carey but if you had a Christmas in your childhood, you'd know this song, "All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth, my two front teeth, see my two front teeth!"

No really, there is and was such a song, just that as we grow up, we stop listening to what's important and instead listen to what's popular.

Ok this post isn't going to be a debate about music.

I think one of the interesting thoughts I had about Christmas was that Jesus is the birthday boy who seems to be forever celebrating His 21st birthday(just check out that goaty and smooth skin!) and we church-goers are the people helping to organize and settle all the nitty gritty details of His party every Christmas.

I mean that's what you do when you celebrate a close friend's milestone birthday don't you? You try to help plan and make it as big a success as possible, ain't that right?

And all the guests that are invited to the birthday aren't going to know what to expect and it's our job to help them know who the birthday boy is, what gifts He wants and what kind of cake He likes.

Ok that last bit was irrelevant but I'm pretty sure you don't want to eat a myrrh cake.

Sometimes I wish people see things as plain as that.

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