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Saturday, April 26, 2008


I've just realised how much less i've been involved in the lives of my friends, like ever since church.
Is it suppose to be good?

Maybe out of sheer inconvenience, i have not been talking to friends that had been previously the best company i could ever have.

Is it time?
Everyone has 24 hours, how would you use yours?

Or maybe we are all in different classes right now and have steadily adapted to being comfortable in our own cliques.
I am guilty of that.
Honestly i still wish i had the chance to be in the same class as the other 2-5 people but i guess God has a reason for putting me in 4-4.

I guess the further you are away from people, the less time you spend with them, the more you tend to miss them.
It teaches you to not take people for granted.
It also makes every single moment spent with them all the more precious.

If we are all going our separate ways after O's, will we still contact each other?

Will you be willing to stay connected to someone else not because of an ulterior motive or mutual benefit?

Will you choose to treasure that friendship you have?
The Bible says, "For where your treasure is, your heart will be also."

Will you stand and say, "This is a someone who i can trust, love, confide in and pour out all my darkest secrets."

Will you look beyond the surface of an acquaintance and go deeper, choosing to serve, help and benefit someone else because they are truly someone you want to love and cherish?

At the end of the road, will you call that person your friend?

Or will you just let everything slip away?

"He who sows sparingly shall reap sparingly, but he who sows bountifully shall indeed reap bountifully."

Friends, friendship is albeit a seed. You decide what to do with it.

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