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Wednesday, January 30, 2008


Some times i wonder about the value of mentioning things in the past.

So'kay, on Monday, there was this really comical thing that happened, in the eyes of the beholder.
YZ and me were walking back to school because he needed to go to the toilet.
Getting close to the foyer, there was 2 kids, apparently, making sharp crescendo caterwauls that was putting my mood swing into full irritation overdrive mode.
They didn't stop even as we got close to the stairs.

In fact they were having a friendly competition with one another.

On my right was this sec 3, just as he was about to shriek, i made it clear for him to keep his mouth closed.

"Shut Up Lah!" is a more exact description of how it happened.

I walked on towards the toilet, while YZ was grinning like crazy.
He explained later on that after i shouted and turned away, the poor guy got so scared he flinched.

When we were wakling out of school, they attempted to restart their round until we came into their line of sight.

Ah yes, the silence of seniority.

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