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Wednesday, January 30, 2008


Some times i wonder about the value of mentioning things in the past.

So'kay, on Monday, there was this really comical thing that happened, in the eyes of the beholder.
YZ and me were walking back to school because he needed to go to the toilet.
Getting close to the foyer, there was 2 kids, apparently, making sharp crescendo caterwauls that was putting my mood swing into full irritation overdrive mode.
They didn't stop even as we got close to the stairs.

In fact they were having a friendly competition with one another.

On my right was this sec 3, just as he was about to shriek, i made it clear for him to keep his mouth closed.

"Shut Up Lah!" is a more exact description of how it happened.

I walked on towards the toilet, while YZ was grinning like crazy.
He explained later on that after i shouted and turned away, the poor guy got so scared he flinched.

When we were wakling out of school, they attempted to restart their round until we came into their line of sight.

Ah yes, the silence of seniority.

Thursday, January 24, 2008


Its officially the day of the release of the O' lvl results!

Certainly is a day of mixed feelings.
Let's cut to the chase.

81 people had to drop higher chinese among our sec 4 cohort.
That's a freaking huge number compared to last year.
In fact, its so significant that we've actually set a record for it.

To be honest, all I had was faith that i could get a distinction.
I guess this is really an example of "Faith without works is DEAD."
So anyway, i did manage to secure the next best grade: B3

You can say that the atmosphere in the auditorium was pretty tense.
When i walked around, it was quite evident who were the ones who had to drop HCL.
That was what i supposed.
With almost 1/3 of the cohort having to drop, its rather common tendency to spot several grieving faces.

Well of course there were those that shed tears over their A2s.
Disappointment, desolation and despair.

The last period became a major counseling session as people went about trying to encourage others who were feeling down.
I was trying to encourage a few people as well, talking mainly to Jun Liang and Wei Rong, especially to Wei Rong.

Ok BIG QUESTION MARKS on your head now.
Why am I not sad/depressed/angry/disappointed/grieved/pessimistic
/melancholic/miserable/anguished etc..

Frankly, me securing a B3 is already an unimaginable feat.
Actually, it was an accurate guess that I would get a B3 because I felt my paper 2 was really quite poor.

One thing to note apart from results is your attitude in life.
I must make this comment(no offence meant) that the one of the most fragile things to a student is his/her's results.
Literally, it will either break them or shape them.

You see, many times, we look upon success as a deserving reward but failure as an intolerable torment.
I look upon failure as an opportunity to improve and success as a goal well planned.

I must admit that i can be overly optimistic and that its hard to share an attitude like mine.
However i can say that it isn't half bad if you perceived things the way I do.

We must get up and go from where we left off, to continue the pace we once had.
If you lived a life always struggling with stumbling blocks, you'll never see sunlight.
Its time to get up and go.
Right now.

Thanks to those that have encouraged me and expressed their concerns for me, especially those closest to me.(You know who you are:D )
I'd like to reassure everyone that i am perfectly sane save for maybe a dry sense of humour.

Then again, I would like to congratulate all my friends who are satisfied with their results, especially those that have attained distinctions.
At the same time, my deepest empathy goes to those that have not been able to score the grades they wanted.


Life is 10% "what happened" and 90% "how we reacted to it."

Monday, January 21, 2008

A series of unfortunate events

1 week left to prelim 1.
Actually its just common test with a brand new marketing idea.

To further elaborate the madcap antics on saturday, this was what happened:

It all started with the predestined event of having a donation can filled with lotsa' coins dropping on mx's foot. That was his explanation for the new-found hatred for a certain school.

After that was a wild goose walk to the back of J8, behind ding tai fung, which was literally in the middle of nowhere. I was looking for the toilet and didn't want to cut through swensens.

Next, the pole-like handle struck an attraction with mx's face. Friction jammed the door as he pushed it, real hard and it resulted in several curses as well as a painful face.

At subway, the least to expect was when the cup of F&N orange went down-under and found residence in my pants, socks and shoes. The whole cup was split and i was drenched from waist-down. Believe me, that was one sticky situation.

We got out to the pavement beside the library to eat when my attempt to save one tomato resulted in the loss of 2 meatballs.

And at staircase beside the cinema, mx had an over-tendency to allow gravity to control significant portions of his cookie. It went all over the floor.

Pretty much the ends the unfortunate streak we had. It was somewhat enjoyable, but it should never be repeated again.

As one thinks, so is he.

I've discovered a new description for sin: obdurate.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Tired is the word for the past week.
Staying up to do homework somehow eats my energy faster than i can eat a foot-long sub.

Speaking of subway, many thanks to ming xuan for the treat today, or rather, yesterday.

I realise now why i've been so low the last few weeks.
I've haven't been living in faith, sad to say.
Pastor's message today really opened up my eyes once again.
Its time to rediscover that secret place.

Oh, before i forget to mention, one random musing.
Sometimes i don't know why people don't take pride in the things they love.
Its very hypocritical in my opinion.

Song of the Day: In Pieces - Linkin Park

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Never play soccer in the primary school plaza was the lesson we learnt yesterday.
A beautiful goal scored by D resulted in a deflection against the wall that none of us expected.
The ball levitated in the air a few seconds before hitting the wall and deflected it to the worst possible place ever: The fragile metal railings above it.
A loud bang, followed by the grandeur fall of a quarter of the whole metal strip was evident enough to send 9 soccer-die hards scurrying.

Oh yes sh!t happens when you least expect it.

I'm just trying to make my blog seem alive although its just 1 more week to prelims.
Well according to Mr F, its 2 weeks, "Don't scare me okay." :D

And now i'm currently feeling the superiority of Rock music.

Song of the Day: America - Razorlight

Monday, January 14, 2008

If there's one thing i've learnt since the start of school, its prioritizing homework.

Every teacher is bound to bomb you with work to do, if everything was important, you'd probably spend endless sleepless night trying to finish every assignment.

Section outing yesterday was the bomb! Its a nice gathering outside of the time that we usually spend as a ministry serving.
Thought everyone was not there but we still had a good time nevertheless.
Game IC for the day, bwahahaha.
Great food, tasty, even though it was left untouched for about 2 hours.
Hmm Hmm, got a nominee award - most initiative. =)

Sleep. Catch Up. Must. Panda Eyes. Contacts. Oxygen level low. Manfred: "WTF?"

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

New Year, New Changes.

The First day of school:

I laughed at the sec 1s' gathering at the plaza.

A change of CO-Form Teacher.

Walked past the long hair 'class'.

The PA/mic was screwed during morning assembly.

The teachers' that have classes today all postponed the deadlines for holiday assignments.

Had a change in CCA teacher.

Helped Jit Hin to cut his hair.

Witnessed a horrible prophetic scene(The Killer Queues) during recess.

Song of the Day: I'm Gonna Soak Up The Sun - Sheryl Crow

Note: I still can't believe i'm sec 4. I walk past others thinking they are sec 4.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008