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Sunday, October 28, 2007

Intakes and Outs

I've signed up for facebook due to the overwhelming number of requests i've got.
Actually it was just 3 people but i was just curious.

My take:
A place where you can really, really waste a lot of your time on. Not recommended for those already obsessed over friendster.
As noticed, it is not as user-friendly as friendster is but one thing i like about its the amount of security the site emphasises.
Also its not as fake as friendster.
Well not until i discovered jun wen's profile.
If you don't have a online social network account, I'd not recommend facebook.
On the whole, its friendster, with much, much more things to do.

Disclaimer: Loads of functions YET to be discovered.

Service was good on saturday.
Watched about 5 videos, which was really the excess over the quotidian service.
But it really got the vision of an indoor stadium going.

Oh and airport fellowship was real funny.
Jing Zhu Zhe Ci, Jing Mo Zhe Hei.
The song game thing was fun.

Mass pangseh'ed leaving only Margt, Calista and me to take bus.

Oh well.

And I've tried to come up with a few phrases on living life.

You don't learn 'till you've tried.

You haven't cared until you've shared.

You can't have faith unless you've believe.

You won't treasure until you've lost.

Well here are several alternative ones:

You don't eat 'till you bite.

You don't scream 'till you dream.

You don't smell unless you're in a well.

You'll stink if you don't drink.

Alright i must get some sleep already.
YZ says we must go LP concert.
I already have one concern: $128!

Word of the Day: Impecunious - Describes someone who is poor or is habitually without money.

One word to sum up Lin De, Michael or John(:

Song of the Day: Whole 'Lotta Love - Led Zepplin

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