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Saturday, February 10, 2007

Early Valentine Service?

Ok time to quickly post this asap before the next day.

Morning overslept and went late for training. Actually can say not late 'cos i first to arrive but i told vincent i'll be there at 8am but i reach there almost 9 am liao haha.
Today train erm team work and basic charging in and scoring.
Ok time to train footwork.
Left at about 10 and chionged to Bishan.

Tuition, late for about 15 min.
Paris slack never come. Jan oso cos she went school i heard.

Then rush home.
Chiong lunch and ate my cheng ting.
Eat half only 'cos no time then go out of house to bedok.

Went to look for the wet market Ho Yin was telling me about.
Found it and bought 3 roses.
Ok tip for all you guys who are buying roses for your girlfriends. BUY 1 WEEK BEFORE.
Aiyo 60 cents to $8 OMG??!?!
And the roses are for the sisters in my cell group so don't get me wrong here.
But the aunty was kind enough to charge me $3.
And i thought the wrapping was nice too.
She wrapped it like super fast and nice. Got skill sia.

No usher today 'cos trainer was full. Too many people.
Nooo!( insert Nathan 'no' groan )
Cannot complete my training and become official usher!
Oh then today to get seats we cheated abit, we didn't wait for back door to open but went in through the 'ministry' doors and cut to the hall haha.
And met Xiao Shi and she like training and i like sad cos i cannot do training also.
She was doing floor area ushering like lesson 1 'cos she got sore throat.
I think there's this really prevalent flu bug going around.
And Samantha walk every fast in the hall. I like stop to talk to Xiao Shi then i look around for her and suddenly disappear. Lol.
Today not alot of people came for service cos of many reasons. Wah Pang-Seh. Lol.

Service was really good.
The songs were really like 'power' songs.
And the sermon was like really impactful as well.
Pastor Kong sometimes preaches really impactful sermons till the extent there is little or no jokes but its ok.

Here's a really important quote:
"Culture is religion externalised."

I found it like Waaa-ish.

After sermon we had our mini-mini cell group meeting then we had our surprise for Sam! Actually it was for Celine as well but she didn't make it for service today because she had a match.
And Caleb dramatise the whole thing until i nearly burst out laughing in front of Sam's face lah. Its SUPER DRAMA lah. But managed to control lah eventually.

"You know ah this coming week right..."
"...Got this very important day lah..."
"Ahuh.(concerened look)"
"Then its like we like got very important thing lah..."
"Ahuh (looking very concerned)"
*Me trying not to laugh already*
"And its like really very important lah..."
"Ahuh.(Looks REALLY concerned)"

And we could all tell she's semi shocked/happy. Hahaha i seriously had to control myself for laughing out loud 'cos i was the one holding it.
So later went to Changi for makan, and it was only 4 people 'cos Jerry and Rolland left us to attend to their seperate agendas.
After BS, played short game of bridge then kena chase away by food court manager hahaha.
Then Nathan had chocolate craving and we first went cocoa trees, then cold storage.
And MilkyBar is seriously super milk. I just had 1 small bar thanks to Nathan and its like flooded with milk lah.
Thanks to you all for not pang-seh'ing me haha.
And my ipod battery ran flat on the way home LOL.

Tonight the stars were still up in the sky when i thought they weren't. Yesterday too.
Now i know why people go star-gazing on summer nights.

Song of the Day: Crazy Son - Ronin

Quote of the day: "You are Supernaturally Natural and Naturally Supernatural." - Rev. Kong

Oh yess and this coming week is going to be a rather money tight week. 4 Birthdays and valentines and i owe 2 people presents cos i tio banlisted of sorts. lol.
Argh duno how but i shall have faith in Him :D

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