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Wednesday, December 15, 2010

MyPhone, iPhone?

After using the iPhone just for a day, I have come up with several preconceived notions about it:

1. Messaging

I find it harder to message now. With the old Nokia keypad, you could message without looking at the screen. Now, I have to look 3 ways if I'm walking across the road while messaging.
It's hardly a consolation that the messaging system is fully touch screen, an added determent from messaging while walking. If its any comfort, the clicking sound from typing on the keypad assures me that letters are coming into being, not words. Well that's of course if my phone isn't in silent mode that is.

2. Social Networking

Lacking the experience in using phones with social media access, this may be sound biased but by far I find iPhone's interface for various social networking medias the most familar and most user-friendly. Of course, we mustn't twit while we walking or someone else will be twitting your obituary (as suggested by YZ, touchwood of course).

3. Body

Being a fully touch screen phone makes it visually and kinetically appealing but not when you're trying to grip it. Add screen protectors to the mix and you've automatically earned the right to whine as much as you want because your iPhone just took a nosedive into your bowl of chicken stew. Now that's not going to score well with the judges. Basically, the iPhone is quite a hassle to hold other than with the entire hand, one of it, and the other? Well basically you either levitate your groceries home or stall that desire to twit till you get home.

Still, its a great companion on the bus. Unless you were trying hard to study SocPsy in the morning bus ride like me.

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