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Saturday, September 25, 2010

Facebook Friends, For Real?

Not to make another fuss about social networking but ever since my friends count hit the thousand milestone, I've been pondering the question whether every friend that I have in that list are actually friends in real life and how often do I interact with them?

Well of course there are people I know that are not in my friend's list as well but the point is, is that just a list for you to show off, for you to take note, for you to see and acknowledge that you have that many friends throughout the course of your xx years of your life.

I mean, how often do you interact with them on a personal basis?

If you have a thousand friends, and you make it a point to spend at least one hour with each and every single one of them, that would total to:
1000h = 42(rounded up) days = 6 weeks = 1 month and a half.

Alternatively, if you make a plan to meet one every single day, you would be meeting them consecutively for 2 years and 9 months straight!

Mind-boggling isn't it?

Do I have that kind of free time? Maybe not now, perhaps that will be a vision I can realize hopefully by 20-30 years down the road.

So think twice before clicking the 'accept' button.

Do you even have the time to call this person a friend other than the minute that you spend checking out his or her facebook page?
Frankly speaking, nothing else comes as close as getting to know a person face to face.

Makes you wonder how much you've been taking your close ones for granted to no?
Make everyday count.

Hey you could be building a new friendship every single day.

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